
This therapy app is intended to be used solely as a support tool and should not be relied upon as the only source of treatment or medical advice. We are not medical professionals and do not provide medical services, and we cannot guarantee the effectiveness or appropriateness of our app for your particular case. It is important to understand that the app uses artificial intelligence uniquely to provide support and cannot replace the professional care of a qualified doctor or therapist. If you feel that you need emergency medical attention, you should seek medical care immediately. We recommend that you speak with your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional before using the app or any other self-help tool. By using the app, you acknowledge that you are doing so at your own risk and that we will not be held responsible for any harm or injury that may result from its use. By using the app, you also acknowledge and agree to our terms and conditions and our privacy policy. If you do not agree to these terms, we recommend that you do not use our app.